Monday, October 14, 2013

Fires and Floods Can Claim Important Documents

If you keep important documents like birth certificates, land titles, and wills in a sturdy binder, give yourself a pat on the back—not many are as organized as you. However, while organizing your documents will ensure that they won't be misplaced, they may still be lost due to factors completely out of your hands. Below are two major disasters that you should protect your documents against:

While a little rain never hurts, heavy downpours may cause nearby rivers and other bodies of water to overflow. When they do, the flood waters will not only damage your home, but can also claim your important documents. Keep in mind that flash floods can occur with very little warning and can reach dangerous levels in a matter of minutes.

Fires can be caused by any number of reasons—a candle left burning in the bedroom, a faulty heater in the basement, a frying pan left unattended in the kitchen. Even with a fire alarm installed, a house fire can become uncontrollable and widespread in just about three minutes.

Before you can file an insurance claim after the catastrophes mentioned above, you have to present documents like your insurance policy first. Hence, it's recommended to have copies of these documents kept in a secure portable box and have the originals stored off-site in a rented safety deposit box or in a vault of a document management company.

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